Exclusive Offers at Kohinoor Hotels

Enjoy specially curated offers at Kohinoor Hotels, designed to make your stay comfortable and memorable.

Experience great deals with the perfect blend of luxury and convenience.


Kohinoor Samudra Beach Resort,

Book now and make the most of exclusive offers

IMG 0074

Kohinoor Park -
Prabahdevi, Mumbai

Book now and make the most of exclusive offers

Facade Kohinoor Executive Pune

Kohinoor Executive -
Deccan Gymkhana, Pune

Book now and make the most of exclusive offers


Hotel Kohinoor Square,

Book now and make the most of exclusive offers


Kohinoor ATC Serviced Apartments -
Dadar, Mumbai

Book now and make the most of exclusive offers

1 Exterior

Hotel Kohinoor Highway,

Book now and make the most of exclusive offers

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Banquet Hall at Kohinoor Lodge - Dadar Mumbai 10

Kohinoor Lodge -
Dadar, Mumbai

Book now and make the most of exclusive offers

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